How to Go About Removing Water from Your Basement?

A leaky or flooded basement may be a serious risk to your family's health and safety. The basement moisture can even damage your floors and walls, even ruin the roofing. Though sometimes you can get rid of water simply by clearing gutters or by diverting gutter water away from the foundation, but if the problem is arising from other sources, like water flowing toward the house on the surface or it is seeping in from underground or backing up through municipal storm drains, then you must take more aggressive action right away. While you go about curing the water problem in your basement, it is advisable to opt for basement waterproofing products as a long-lasting remedy. Following are four ways to keep water out of your basement and remove it when needed.

waterproofing companies in India

1.     Pump out the water
If you find trouble keeping the subsurface water out of your basement, you would have to channel it from the inside. You would need to create an interior drainage system, saw a channel around the perimeter of the floor, chip out the concrete, and lay perforated pipe in the hole. The pipe drains the water to a collection tank at the basement's low spot, where a sump pump shoots it out of the house.

2.     Get the gaps fixed
You should check your basement piping system regularly. If you notice water coming out into the basement through the gaps around the plumbing pipes, then you should plug the openings using hydraulic cement or polyurethane caulk. To get further help, you can connect with one of the waterproofing companies in India.

waterproofing contractors in Delhi

Repair of cracked walls
Cracked walls may lead to major structural problems and it can threaten the stability of the whole house. You can easily find sealants in your nearest market and just apply it over the cracked area. The leakage will stop for a good long period.

4.     Time to restructure the house
Often the older house designs do not support proper water drainage systems. But, with the help of waterproofing contractors in Delhi, you can reshape the drainage system and keep your house and basement dry and warm.

basement waterproofing products in Delhi

It is worth noting that you should use only the best basement waterproofing products in Delhi so that you do not need to invest time and money time and again and can make your home a safe and dry place to live in. 


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