How to prevent water from seeping in through the roof

Water seeping in through the roof is a big problem, especially in a humid place like India, where rainfall is a pretty common feat. A lot of times, the culprit is faulty waterproofing in the terrace. Also, people commonly ignore getting the terrace waterproofed, even though the terrace waterproofing cost in Delhi is pretty nominal. The bad news is, the ceiling is usually made of concrete which tends to retain water and eventually leak it. However, concrete’s advantages outweigh its disadvantages, and hence, it is recommended that one gets regular roof maintenance from the best waterproofing contractors in Delhi.The following are the ways to prevent water from seeping in through the roof.

1.) Look for the source of leakage
There could be cracks in the roofing or a lot of water collected at a place. However, anything that penetrates your roof is one of the most common culprits in causing water seepage from the roof. Therefore, to prevent water from seeping in through the roof, keep a steady check on leakages.

2.) Find Cracks and Fill Them Up
Water may seep in through the roof if there are cracks in it, which makes it important for you to keep a check on the crack to prevent the seepage. Such cracks are easily treatable, so you need not worry about them too much. Clean up the whole surface and fill the cracks using roof cement. It is important that you level the whole surface after that and then put on a coating of elastomeric sealant after the roof cement has completely dried out.

3.) Faultless Rain Water Harvesting
While installing a rainwater harvesting system is a great step for the environment, a lot of times, a faulty rainwater harvesting system can be a major source of leaks from your roof. Try and check if the water stains are denser towards the part of the ceiling on which your rainwater harvesting unit is installed. Regular maintenance of this unit is also required so that the whole purpose of installing a rainwater harvesting unit is not reversed.

4.) Regular maintenance
It is imperative to get regular maintenance of the waterproofing in your roof to prevent water stains and water damage to the ceiling. A waterproofing contractor can be hired for the same. You need to make sure that your contractor uses the basement  waterproofing products in Delhi to do the required maintenance, which should be at least twice a year.

In a country like ours, rainfall is pretty heavy and can cause a lot of damage, especially if your roof tends to leak water, which makes it essential to get waterproofing done. If the damage is already done, you should look for a good roof waterproofing company in Delhi and get your roof fixed as soon as possible, and if there is no damage done yet, do make sure you follow the aforementioned 4 ways to prevent water from seeping in through the roof. 


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