Clearing the Myths Around Doorstep Diesel Delivery

Is there a risk of fire from static electricity and other sources during delivery?

Virtually impossible! Diesel does not burn even in an open fire at the standard temperature & pressure conditions. For Diesel door delivery to catch fire, it requires temperature over 52 degree Celsius AND compressed air AND accumulated vapor in certain quantity AND 14.5/1 mixing ratio of air with fuel AND a source of ignition. The probability of these conditions occurring simultaneously and create fire during the delivery of diesel fuel is virtually zero.

Statistically, In India, over 2 Lakh petroleum fuel, i.e., diesel tankers, makeover two crore trips annually on the road. Not even a single accident reported in the last five years has caused fire due to the Diesel Delivery distributors in India. These tankers are usually very large (20,000L). They are driven on highways and city limits at high speed—our miniature sub-1000 L refuellers driven only locally at lower city speed limits by certified and trained professionals. You have double the chances of winning a million-dollar lottery than chances of our refuellers causing a fire accident during Door delivery diesel. Additionally, our refuellers are built to be electric continuous, and earthed.

Is doorstep delivery of Fuel safer than fuelling at Petrol pumps?

Yes, it is! Doorstep delivery of Fuel like petrol/diesel is safer than fuelling at petrol pumps. Let’s think about it; when you go to a petrol pump to fill your car, you expose yourself to a place where tens of thousands of liters of Petrol and Diesel are stored in decades-old underground tanks. At the Petrol pump, you also see tens of vehicles get filled simultaneously, creating a constant presence of flammable vapor in large quantities (you can smell it too). You also see several vehicles keeping their engine running while waiting to fill, altogether creating a potential hazard for fire. Now imagine a vehicle carrying few hundreds of liters of fuels in airtight containers coming to deliver at your doorsteps. First, such a small amount of Fuel dispensed to your equipment reduces the vapor generation or accumulation to practically zero. Second, there are no potential fire sources to cause ignition. These factors together nullify the possibility of any fire.

Is there a risk of equipment exploding while refuelling?

There is no risk of explosion. There are over 5,00,000 vehicle accidents in India per year from more than 200 million vehicles on the road? There are so few vehicle explosions per year that no statistics are available, and those known or reported are while transporting LPG in large tanks. Liquid fuel vehicles do not explode like they do in the movies. In the case of Diesel online India, which requires a mixture with air and compression to over 250 degrees Celsius to achieve ignition temperature reduces the possibility of fire or explosion to zero.


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