5 Novel Navratri Rituals We Bet You Didn’t Know About
Maha-Navratri is here, and India is preparing to celebrate this 9-day festival dedicated to the Mother Goddess. Various customs command in different parts of India, some of them much quirky too. Here are some of the most novel Navratri cultures that you might not have heard of.
Astra Puja, in innocent terms, suggests the worship of
weapons. Also remembered as Ayudha Puja, it is a custom often followed in the
South Indian states of India on the 9th day of Navratri. Weapons are worshipped
by soldiers, while artisans adore their tools. Though this puja originally
included worshipping battle weapons, tools like the typewriter and plow are
revered today. The puja is blessed to one’s declaration and recognizes that a
mystical force encourages regular work.
Sacrifice in Rajasthan
Animal sacrifice during Navratri is more common than you’d imagine! The Indian God statues manufacturers of Rajasthan offer a sacrifice of a buffalo or goat to their family Goddess during Navratri. Even the Hindu temples in West Bengal and Assam have witnessed the sacrifice of goats, chickens and buffalos.
of Barley
Barley is the symbol of success, affluence and extension. Not surprisingly, it advances an outstanding presence in the festival of Navratra too! Barley sown through this festival is deemed a favourable omen. It is understood that the nature and length of the shoots will conclude how much capital and prosperity the family will receive throughout the upcoming year.
(Kolu) in South India
In the southern states, Navratri is observed as Kolu—antique Hindu god statues and doll-display ceremony where dolls are worshipped. Kolu is regularly attended by a cultural show that portrays stories from the Ramayan. Kolu is not restricted to India simply—various countries, particularly Sri Lanka and Japan, mark this festival.
Fact File
· Did you understand? 9 forms of Shakti (Mother Goddess) are celebrated through Maha Navratri, with each avatar implying a separate perspective of the Mother’s potential and character.
· 5 different types of Navratri are dedicated throughout the year, with the Maha Navratri over September-October being the most important celebration of this festival.
· Each part of India celebrates this 9-day festival in its way. In North India, fasting is recognized on all 9 days, while in Gujarat and other sections of western India, dances like the Garba & Dandiya Raas stand out in the celebrations as brass idols of Hindu gods online. West Bengal celebrates it in the order of Durga Puja, while Kolu is praised in South India.
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